While we like to think he’ll notice our fabulous leopard print pumps, guys have a different set of priorities when determining if they’re hot for you or not. Check out what beauty concerns grab his eye and how to turn these noticeable flaws into your best asset
Men would trade in a made-up face for a flawless complexion any day of the week. So instead of putting your energy toward applying foundation, focus it on clearing up your skin from those acnes.
Love happens between the eyes. If yours look exhausted, all bets are off. Not to mention, dark under eye circles can age you.
There are many understood rules that fall under guy code. If your date subscribes to this code, fine lines are definitely not in your favor.
When prepping for a date, don’t neglect your mane. A man might not notice a purse, but he will appreciate a beautiful head of hair. It should be soft, shiny and ready for action at any moment.
Stubby nails are as unbecoming on a woman as it to see a guy with his finger up his nose. Men are extremely aware of hands, and if yours are unkempt, they’re less likely to reach out and touch
Men want to feel macho and hold their own. Unfortunately, women with extra face fuzz are not considered as feminine and can throw off his game.
It’s always important to accentuate your best feature. If your nose isn’t it, you can do just the opposite and minimize it. All it takes to make your nose look smaller is to employ contouring.
You’ve only got one chance to make a great first impression. That is why; all you need to do is remember those flaws that your date will notice. Well, that's all for now folks and stay tune for more beauty tips! Bye for now! -